Aside from our programme we are busy with lots of different activities.  Some take place at the monthly meeting and the others are co-ordinated by our members and enjoyed at other times.  All are of course subject to change:

Annual Action - Similar to the Bring and Buy but the sale is by auction.


Coffee Mornings - Good opportunities to raise funds for charity or our funds, and of course enjoy coffee and cake!


Bring and Buy - Donated treasures are brought along and snapped up for a bargain price!


Garden Safari - Quite a few of our members enjoy gardening, but we don't always have a chance for people to enjoy or appreciate the hard work.  During the summer months we invite our members to host a tea and cake get together in their garden, about once a month.


Knatter and Knit - Meeting at a members home, we enjoy getting together to chat whilst knitting.


January Christmas Dinner - With so much activity leading up to Christmas, we look forward to enjoying a homemade Christmas Dinner in January, when things are quieter and we haven't seen our WI friends for a while.


Jigsaw Swop - Great opportunity to refresh refresh your cupboard for new challenges.


Occasional Hearty Lunches - We enjoy Pancake Lunch, Summer BBQ and Christmas Dinner - and each other's company.


Pub Lunch - We arrange regular opportunities to meet at a variety of different pubs to enjoy food and friendship.  A sign up system is used in good time at the monthly meetings and lifts can be arranged, so nobody looses out.  Care is taken to account for access and parking.


Plant Sales - Cuttings, thinning or grown from seed.  Gardeners are keen to donate plants for sale.


Raffles - Always popular and a great fundraiser.


Outings and Walks - We enjoy going out on organised trips, or exploring a variety of a rambles in our lovely countryside.  But most importantly we enjoy the talking and walking!